
Season 02 Episode 09- Beth Gunn talks Presbytery level ministry

Bubba’s Top 5 Game list 5 Animal Farm 4 Flippin Burgers 3 Fishbowl 2 Alien Abduction 1 Christians and Romans

Season 02 Episode 08- Erin Rugh Q and A

Cliff and Michelle talk with Erin Rugh and take some Questions Top 5 ways to get Youth involved in Leadership in the Church 5. Creating Space for Listening 4. Treat them like adults 3. Recognize their gifts 2. Youth Sponsored Annual Event 1. Be Flexible

Season 02 Episode 07- Shelley Donaldson and Ashley McFall-Irwin LGBTQ+ issues

Michelle and Cliff talk with Shelly Donaldson and Ashley McFall-Irwin about how to do affirming and welcoming ministry with LGBTQ+ youth and adults. Kari Morgan also gives her Top 5 "mixers". 5. Hot Choclate 4. Memory Match 3. Story Bag 2. Happy, Grappy, Buffalo 1. Post Past This Podcast is made possible through a generous grant from the APCE Edowment Ministry Team. Visit to register for the next national event!

Season 02 Episode 06- Maggie Johnson Talks Small Groups

Cliff and Michelle talk with Maggie Johnson, Director of Youth at Shallowford Presbyterian Church about Small Groups Top 5 Go to Program Idea s 5) Backwards Book Club Choose a Book. When youth arrive at youth group, they get the book and a few highlighters. During youth group, go through a few key stories, passages and let them highlight, talk about the book. It is “backwards” because then they can take the book home and have it on their shelf. Favorites: Anne Lamott, Help, Thanks, Wow. 4) LIFE-SKILLS Cooking, changing a tire, etiquette. Learn some skills you need for life. Make a devotion out of feasting together, considering who the feeding of the 5000 and what it means when Jesus says- you feed them. Look at the faith journey and learn to change a tire. What are the lessons from the road. 3) Grocery Store Challenge Meet at a grocery store, take the church van. Everyone brings $5 and combine your funds to buy for your local food bank. Pair up youth and give them a situation...

Season 02 Episode 05- Parenting in Youth Ministry with Josh Owen-Sweeny

Top 5 Parenting Books 5. Wise Minded Parenting: 7 Essentials for Raising Successful Tweens + Teens by Dr. Laura Kastner 4. The Spiritual Child: The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving by Lisa Miller 3. Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids by Kara Powell 2. How to Raise an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims 1. Getting to Calm: Cool-Headed Strategies for Parenting Tweens + Teens by Dr. Laura Kastner This Podcast is made possible through a generous grant from the APCE Edowment Ministry Team. Visit to register for the next national event!

Season 02 Episode 04- Volunteers With Genevieve Brooks And Allison Billings

Michelle and Cliff talk with Allison Billings, Middle School Coordinator at Myers Park Presbyterian Church and Genevieve Brooks, Director of Youth Ministries at White Memorial presbyterian Church talk Volunteers This Podcast is made possible through a generous grant from the APCE Edowment Ministry Team. Visit to register for the next national event!